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The Nigerian government seems oblivious of the agitation and stubborn insistence of the pro Biafra believers. The recent mass protest and double killings of innocent individual could be seen as the carelessness nod the recklessness of the Nigerian securities showing the highest level of disrespect for human lives.

In realities, the Biafra agitators could be seen as some sect of empty-headed uninformed dogmatic stubborn illiterates, that bore no resemblance to the regular session cause that have been seen and come to reality in the modern world. To think of the fact that they might be thinking or believing in the story of secession with arms and troublesome means even when the government show them no recognition or a lil bit of listening ear is tremendously disturbing. Plus the point that they wanted now to seceded when their dear country needed them most for the patriotism and support they could give their wobbling nation, coupled with the fact that they and their brothers are responsible for the derogatory state in which the country is really alarming.

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Giving ourselves an updated analysis on the said crisis, the crisis begins when the federal government arrested and detained the head of the radio Biafra Nnamdi Kanu. Following this arrest, th group subsequently issued a strong warning statement “Through Radio Biafra, International tour & secret diplomatic build up. MASSOB warns Nigeria Govt to quickly release Nnamdi Kanu now or arraign him in a competent court of justice or face an eruption of Biafra world wide demonstration, protest which will endanger the already battered image of Nigeria before the international communities and cause more diplomatic harm to Nigeria”

But this warning was not adhere to until the movement began to record both dead and injured casualties. The agitations of this group giving the context and the scenario by which it come to being, it’s very clear that the priorities and preferences of this movements needs to be rearranged
One can readily attributes the madness of this sect of IGBOS as a group that doesn’t really know what it needs really are, to think of the fact that the reign of former president Goodluck Jonathan who was in the helm of affairs of the country for almost a decade but only succeeded in ruining everything this country stands for couldn’t generate this reactions from his MASSOB brothers really exposed the uniformed attitude of this sect of individual.


Let so they know that coupled with the jonathanian era was the hungry and selfish group from this side of the country can only exaggerate their selfish and unreasoned ignorance that needed a wave of the hand to dispel. Should the IGBOS be truthful to themselves, conscience and children and generations to come, they would have stand firm behind the government and do anything to salvage what was left of the already destroyed economy. They should have walked tirelessly towards making a set of good leaders that will always make them proud in any offices they found themselves, they would have think of the fact that the great country called Nigeria is far more important than the views and believes of some uninformed hungry and corrupt politicians that is looking to hijack the government of the Biafra nation when and if it at all it came a reality

The Nigerian government on the other hand has not been playing the cards well, instead of quelling the upcoming fire of session when its was still extinguish able, they tend to handle the matter with levity and decide to turn a deaf ear and hope it will die off with time. But little by little the agitators and gaining more voice, more mercy, more listening ear by the world and everybody that cares to listen and as the struggle kicks on lives are been lost, properties destroyed and the existence of peace continue to dwindle.

With this reaction by the government, is it safe to think or ask that is the country due or ready for another civil war?…….I REST MY PEN.