On Martin Luther King Jr day, Americans can’t help but remember George Floyd murder in the process of the celebrations

On Martin Luther King Jnr. day the president says: “Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did.”. But the statement didn't go well with most Americans while some people believes he's right, some outrightly believes he's very wrong, reactions reminds the president who George Floyd and Martin Lurther King is.
Now would be a good time to remind Sleepy Joe that Saint George Floyd was not, in fact, a Civil Rights leader but in fact, a career criminal. Comparing Saint Floyd to MLK is ridiculous yet right on brand for Joe.
Floyds murder had such impact because it was such an ugly image of hate. A Police officer with his knee on a black mans neck prolonged while he suffocated. It showed he had not only hatred but cruelty in his heart.
His point is that George Floyd’s death created a world wide movement that wasn’t created when MLK was killed. It’s not to compare the body of work of them or the characters of them. Of course you are twisting what he says.
There was a worldwide affect with his association as well. They’re practically equivalent. Downgrading MLK’s association impact is not ok.
Only because of social media and because news anchors no longer just read the news... they give their opinion on what you've yet to hear, then give you a spun version of what they've already opined on.
All these and many more are the reactions of Americans towards George Floyd killing and the president statements of seeming comparison between the two.
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